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However, these tools are quite basic, and don’t offer all the information on how ads are targeted, nor insights into trends and patterns. The dashboards detail the ads that are running, who is running them, and some basic aggregate data on targeting by geography, gender, and age.įor example, we can see the Australian Electoral Commission has spent around $383,000 on Facebook advertising in the past month, largely promoting election-related facts and voter registration information. We need to know how ‘dark ads’ affect Australians Read more: Facebook ads have enabled discrimination based on gender, race and age. Google allows ads in its search products, YouTube, and on Android.īoth companies have ad transparency dashboards. Meta allows advertising across its products including Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. The big dogs in the online advertising world are Meta and Google. Here’s what we know so far about the state of online advertising in the federal election.

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